Woodland Heritage welcomes new Trustee Alex Mowat


Woodland Heritage is delighted to announce that London based Architect, Alex Mowat, has joined the Board of Trustees.

Alex designed the UK’s first commercially available range of wooden door handles, along with many large and small architectural projects in timber. However, he wanted to learn more about how to grow and source UK timber.

In 2019, he attended our unique Woodland to Workshop course. These 3 days opened up this little known and under represented world to Alex. He was captivated and his involvement in the charity began.

Mowat & Company are currently designing the charity’s HQ at Whitney-on-wye in Herefordshire. The project includes a sawmill, timber drying facility and a wood school.

“Since joining Woodland Heritage, I have been spellbound by the wisdom, generosity and skills of everyone involved in the organisation.

I hope that my involvement in the charity’s exciting plans and huge ambition, will make a real difference to growing more trees and using more wood in the UK”

Alex Mowat, Director of Mowat & Company

You can find more information about Alex and Mowat & Company here