Grants & Bursaries

Woodland Heritage offer bursaries for the Woodland To Workshops course. We also offer project grants.

Further information on bursaries and grants can be found in our Policy for Giving Grants. Please ensure you have read this before making an application.


Woodland to Workshop course bursaries

Woodland Heritage offer bursaries to assist deserving and committed individuals to attend the Woodland to Workshop course, who would not otherwise be able to access the course. 

Woodland Heritage offer two or three bursaries of £500 each per year, to be used towards the cost of the Woodland to Workshop Course.
Applicants will need to pay the remaining fee of £100.

You can notify us of your interest in funding when registering your interest in the course. You will then be contacted ahead of the course. Courses are held in September or October each year. Applicants may apply for funding when dates are released, at which time an application form and deadline will be provided.

If you have any questions please contact


Project Grants

Grants for projects by individuals or organisations may be considered if they have the potential to create significant impact towards our charitable objectives.

You can find more information in our Policy for Giving Grants.


Our Awards


Woodland Heritage have previously awarded annual awards. For example, The Peter Savill Award for a significant contribution to British Forestry was inaugurated in 2007. The Prince of Wales Award for the best student on the Woodland to Workshop course began in 2010. Both were awarded annually by Woodland Heritage, normally during the Field Weekend. 

In the years since, forestry, using wood, and the charity itself has changed so much. Trustees are reviewing what place awards have in achieving the charities mission and look forward to providing updated information in the coming months.

Gary Battell -receiving the Peter Savill Award from Peter Savill in 2017

Gary Battell -receiving the Peter Savill Award from Peter Savill in 2017

The Peter Savill Award

For a significant contribution to the British Forest Industry


Each year Woodland Heritage awards a prize to recognise the contribution of an individual who has significantly benefited British forestry.


The contribution to forestry made by the selected individual must be in sympathy with the objectives of Woodland Heritage, and in one of the following areas of forestry: silviculture; research; marketing; wood processing; education. Normally the prize will focus on a contribution to one of the above areas with an emphasis on Britain, broadleaves and lowland forestry, although not exclusively so.


  • 2022 John Makepeace OBE

  • 2021 Lord Gardiner of Kimble

  • 2020 Dr Gabriel Hemery & Prof Julian Evans OBE (joint award)

  • 2019 Sir Harry Studholme

  • 2018 Prof A R (Jo) Bradwell

  • 2017 Gary Battell

  • 2016 Dr Joan Webber

  • 2015 Bede Howell

  • 2014 Felix Dennis

  • 2013 Miles Barne

  • 2012 Dr Christine Cahalan

  • 2011 Keith Rawling

  • 2010 Will Bullough & Gavin Munro (joint award)

  • 2009 John McHardy

  • 2008 Andy Poore

  • 2007 Susan Bell OBE


One of the most respected and influential forestry academics of the last half-century, the author or
co-author of numerous papers, books and publications, up until September 2006, when he retired, Peter was a Reader in Forestry, Oxford Forestry Institute, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford and a Fellow of Linacre College and University of Oxford. Peter was a Woodland Heritage Trustee for 17 years from 1999 to 2016, as well as being a former Chairman of both Future Trees Trust and Sylva Foundation.

John Jackson - receiving the Prince of Wales Award 2016 from Geraint Richards, Head Forester for the Duchy of Cornwall and Woodland Heritage Trustee

John Jackson - receiving the Prince of Wales Award 2016 from Geraint Richards, Head Forester for the Duchy of Cornwall and Woodland Heritage Trustee

The Prince of Wales Award

The Trustees of Woodland Heritage were delighted in 2010 to announce that our Patron, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, was to generously give a trophy to our charity, ‘The Prince of Wales Award’ , which has been presented annually since then, to an outstanding young person who has attended the ‘Woodland to Workshop’ course.

We have now entered the tenth year of our courses and by the end of this year over 250 individuals will have benefited from this unique experience. The tutors are delighted with how well the course has been received and are particularly encouraged by the enthusiasm of those taking part. It gives us great hope for the future!

The Prince of Wales Award’ continues to serve as yet another excellent incentive to encourage our aspiring neophytes, the recipients of which have been:

  • 2021 Daniel Hofgartner

  • 2020 Courses not held due to Covid 19

  • 2019 Rachel Johnson

  • 2018 Neil Girvan

  • 2017 David Smyth

  • 2016 John Jackson

  • 2015 Nicholas Hill

  • 2014 Finbar Vesey

  • 2013 Nina Williams

  • 2012 Tabitha Binding

  • 2011 Matthew Cope

  • 2010 Luke Hemmings