This interesting collection of coniferous and broadleaved trees is situated about 2.5km from the nearest public road; a distinct disincentive to visit!
There are nearly ninety plots, mostly planted between 1955 and 1960, of which two thirds are conifers and one third broadleaves. A few plots failed and last year Wild cherry Prunus avium ‘Wildstar’, Aspen Populus tremula and Walnut Juglans regia ‘Lazarone’ were planted in these, the balance to be planted with Rauli Nothofagus nervosa and White Ash Fraxinus americana. Of particular note is the Redwood Sequoia sempervirens (mentioned in WH Journal No 9) and the Macedonian white pine Pinus peuce growing extremely well for a pine in a high rainfall area. The redwood are majestic, over 30m tall and the pine more than 20m tall.
Woodland Heritage has contributed to the cost of uneconomic thinning of some of the plots, new planting, improving pedestrian access, new plot labels and an interpretation board.
A visit is really worthwhile and could well be combined with visits to the National Botanic Garden of Wales, the restored garden at Aberglasney and the veteran tree collection at Dynefwr Park; all in the Towy Valley.
To make the collection more readily available members may drive to the site, by prior arrangement.
The procedure is to contact the Forestry Commission, Llanfair Road, Llandovery, Carms, SA20 0AL, Tel 01550 720394, Fax 01550 721013.
Contact should be well in advance in order to make sure that the desired date of access does not conflict with other uses such as car rally practice or timber extraction. A map and gate key will be available for collection from the F C Office in Llandovery, about 22km to the east of the collection.