Continuous Cover Forestry Group (CCFG)
The Continuous Cover Forestry Group (CCFG) has benefitted tremendously from the assistance provided by Woodland Heritage over many years. CCFG is a small membership organisation which is seeking to facilitate changes in forest management practices throughout Britain, moving away from single species forests managed by clearfelling towards the creation of varied, mixed forests which meet a wide range of objectives. Woodland Heritage has provided bursaries to students to go on foreign tours and forest visits in Britain and Ireland organised by the CCFG. It has also supported CCFG attendance at the ProSilva conferences across Europe and so develop a range of international contacts, and has very generously helped to sponsor the first scientific conference held by the group. This assistance and encouragement has been immensely valuable and has allowed CCFG to spread its message of silvicultural change more widely and more effectively than would otherwise have been the case.
Bill Mason, Chairman, CCFG
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